Celebrating The Little Victories
Any new business owner can tell you that the beginning is the hardest and slowest period. For someone, like me who doesn't have any experience in business or entrepreneurship. The challenges, fear, struggles, uncertainty all come into play. I start to question myself if I can pull this off. Will people like me as a groomer? Will people enjoy my services? Are my skills any good? Will I get any clients? What If I just completely fail overall? The questions go on and on...
However, I remind myself the reason why I started this all. I started in 2019 along with my mascot Bella in hopes of sharing my love and passion for dogs. Our mission is to provide a quality service that adds value to the life of our clients as well as their treasured furry family members. I remember starting off with just my own dog and a few of my friends. One day, that all changed when I got my first client regarding my services! I can still recall the feeling and it was so exciting!
I officially launched and started in May. Prior to that it was all test runs, repairs, and more test runs making sure everything was in working condition. It's been a few months already into the journey and I have learned and grown so much in a short amount of time. Since I am the only team member right now, I am literally doing everything. It isn’t easy at all, but I love what I do and I always try to do my best. There are slow days and busy days. Slow days I am working on how to improve my marketing, producing social media content, taking photos, cleaning my truck, etc. Busy days I am driving around going to clients home and grooming dogs back to back. My days are not fully booked or booked a year out in advance, but I'm pretty happy even if it's just one dog a day!
This post is to remind myself to simply keep going even if it's not where I want to be...yet. As my boyfriend says, we got to celebrate the little victories before we reached the big victories! And he's absolutely right because the little outcomes will only lead to bigger and better outcomes! This past week was the busiest I’ve been and I feel so full. I've been getting new clients and repeating ones! From here on out, I hope it continues to go upwards.