Puppies! Puppies! Puppies!

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Pupwash911 - Lulu after.JPG

Who doesn’t love puppies? Puppies are cute, cuddly, and just bundles of fun! However, they can be quite the handful if they are not trained at an early age. We often get questions such as when should my puppy begin going to the groomers?

We recommend starting a puppy with grooming as soon as they get their Parvo vaccine (usually at 3-4 months). The earlier, the better. It’s ideal to have your puppy go to the groomers weekly or bi-weekly for a bath and tidy for the first 6 months, so we can train and work with your dog on getting them used to grooming. Grooming is a process with many sights, sounds, movements, and tools. Puppies are curious animals who want to sniff and move a lot in their surroundings. We want to build a solid grooming foundation with your pups to work up and build up their confidence. Each time the pup works with us, they’ll be less scared and can know what to expect.

A puppy’s first groom will not be perfect and that is ok. Working up to a full groom will take time and A LOT of patience. We work at a pace with what the puppy is comfortable with and try not to stress them out too much. We want to create a positive environment and experience that’s inviting, calm, and respectful. It is all the small steps we take with them. Baby steps of getting them used to the bath is already a big accomplishment, so reward them with treats and praise!